Published on 21 June 2024 at 11:22

Finally, I hurried home after my lunch break. My workplace is just a few minutes’ drive from my house. Of course, I’m excited, but the editing isn’t quite done yet. I immediately dove into the final reading and tweaking of the book (yes, it’s now a book—one I can flip the pages, hold, and carry around!). On June 20, I completed the final editing and promptly sent it to my editor for proofreading and editorial assessment. I rescheduled my cover design project for next Friday, hoping this final proofreading will be finished before Wednesday. Almost there…

You might be wondering about the title. As for the release of this book should it be a christening or a baptism of fire? Perhaps the latter—most likely. Whatever happens after it goes on sale is no longer in my hands.

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